
Simon Smith Interview

22 May 2019

Shifting interest rates and the possibility of recession on the horizon may be daunting for captives looking to start an investment programme. Simon Smith, Head of Offshore Investments for Barclays, explains why there are misconceptions around captive investment programmes, how even cash is an investment and why captive owners should always prioritise their internal captive policies and objectives over the global economic situation of the day.

Watch other interviews in our captives series

Captives under the spotlight

Economic turbulence, shifting interest rates and increasingly stringent captive regulation means managing a captive insurance vehicle is no small task. Our captive series takes a look at the role of today’s captive insurer and reflects on the global events shaping the industry’s future. 

Colin Freeman

The higher risk the assets a captive invests in, the more expensive the credit, which means a captive’s Letter of Credit (LoC) costs will be higher too. Colin Freeman, Relationship Director of the Barclays Insurance Team, explains why loan to value ratios are Barclays preferred choice of credit risk and how captive clients can benefit from this.

Henk Potts

Jitters were sent through financial markets in 2018, as investors became increasingly concerned about trade wars and commodities, equities and fixed income generated negative returns. There was no single explanation for such a broad-based set back but this toxic mix of uncertainty may be unwarranted, argues Henk Potts, Director of Global Investment Strategy, Barclays. In our video interview, he explains why captives should maintain an optimistic outlook on global financial markets.

Farhad Jamooji

Running a large captive insurance programme for a PLC, isn’t always smooth sailing. When the PLC is a globally systemically important financial institution, it creates an extra layer of complexity, explains Farhad Jamooji, Managing Director for Barclays Group Insurance who overseas the Barclays captive. We sat down with Jamooji to discuss the day-to-day running of the captive, how it can help to align varying risk appetites through the Barclays Group and more.


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Our experts are here to support the specific needs of captive insurers.