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Whether you want to know more about Barclays International Banking or opening an international bank account, here's how to get in touch.
Online banking
When making payments to countries where the National Clearing Code (NCC) (also known as a Routing Code) is the preferred method of routing payments, the NCC and the bank name and address should be provided.
If you have provided a SWIFTBIC to the beneficiary, you won’t need to enter the National Clearing Code (NCC).
An NCC and a SWIFTBIC cannot be provided together. If you have both, please use the SWIFTBIC.
If a payment is being made to America and you have an American Bankers Association (ABA code), please select the FW US Fedwire from the 'National Clearing Code type' drop-down and then enter the ABA number in the National Clearing Code (NCC) field. The ABA number is 9 digits long.
Whether you want to know more about Barclays International Banking or opening an international bank account, here's how to get in touch.