
Online banking

What is a National Clearing Code (NCC) / American Bankers Association Code (ABA)?

When making payments to countries where the National Clearing Code (NCC) (also known as a Routing Code) is the preferred method of routing payments, the NCC and the bank name and address should be provided.

If you have provided a SWIFTBIC to the beneficiary, you won’t need to enter the National Clearing Code (NCC).

An NCC and a SWIFTBIC cannot be provided together. If you have both, please use the SWIFTBIC.      

If a payment is being made to America and you have an American Bankers Association (ABA code), please select the FW US Fedwire from the 'National Clearing Code type' drop-down and then enter the ABA number in the National Clearing Code (NCC) field. The ABA number is 9 digits long.


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