Pushing the boat out: The 2023 Barclays Jersey Boat Show
20 April 2023
Paul Savery, Head of Crown Dependencies for Barclays, is more than looking forward to this year's Barclays Jersey Boat Show, which will be held from the 29th April to the 1st May.
The free-entry event, in and around St Helier Marina and Weighbridge Place, regularly attracts upwards of 30,000 visitors across three fun-packed days over the early-May Bank Holiday weekend.
“Barclays Private Bank is proud to be the headline sponsor of the 2023 Barclays Jersey Boat Show,” he says. “It's the 14th consecutive year in which the Barclays Group has sponsored the event – if you take out the two-year hiatus caused by the pandemic.
“The boat show made a welcome return to our shores last year. And we’re delighted once again to be supporting this key community event, which showcases the very best of Jersey’s thriving maritime, leisure and tourism industries.
“This year’s event also promises to be bigger and better than ever. We’re looking forward to welcoming visitors from not only the Channel Islands, but also from across the globe. And there really will be something for everyone – whether it’s the wide range of boats to explore, the watersport activities or the many events taking place off the water.”
“We hope to see you there!” adds Savery
Paul Savery, Head of Crown Dependencies for Barclays, is more than looking forward to this year's Barclays Jersey Boat Show, which will be held from the 29th April to the 1st May.
The free-entry event, in and around St Helier Marina and Weighbridge Place, regularly attracts upwards of 30,000 visitors across three fun-packed days over the early-May Bank Holiday weekend.
“Barclays Private Bank is proud to be the headline sponsor of the 2023 Barclays Jersey Boat Show,” he says. “It's the 14th consecutive year in which the Barclays Group has sponsored the event – if you take out the two-year hiatus caused by the pandemic.
“The boat show made a welcome return to our shores last year. And we’re delighted once again to be supporting this key community event, which showcases the very best of Jersey’s thriving maritime, leisure and tourism industries.
“This year’s event also promises to be bigger and better than ever. We’re looking forward to welcoming visitors from not only the Channel Islands, but also from across the globe. And there really will be something for everyone – whether it’s the wide range of boats to explore, the watersport activities or the many events taking place off the water.”
“We hope to see you there!” adds Savery
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